2024 Mini-Grant Opportunity- Peer-Led Town Hall Expansion Project (PLTHEP 2)

by | Jun 5, 2024 | News

2024 Mini-Grant Opportunity

Peer-Led Town Hall Expansion Project (PLTHEP)

The Reunion Project (TRP) is excited to announce the 2024 Request for Proposals (RFP) for a mini-grant aimed at empowering communities to develop and host their own peer-led town hall community meeting. These meetings will focus on educating, supporting, and networking for HIV long-term survivors. TRP is inviting proposals from community-based organizations, advocacy groups, or individuals who have not previously received support from TRP and whose project aligns with TRP’s mission and values.

The Denver Principles and MIPA

Applicants must demonstrate a commitment to The Denver Principles, which shaped the active involvement of people living with HIV in the AIDS response, and the meaningful involvement of people with HIV/AIDS (MIPA), which ensures that the communities most affected by HIV are involved in decision-making, at every level of the response.

Eligibility requirements

To qualify for the mini-grant, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a 501(c)(3) community-based organization, advocacy group, or individual.
  • Must have experience working with HIV long-term survivors and/or communities impacted by HIV.
  • Must demonstrate the ability to organize and host a peer-led community town hall meeting.
  • Must provide a proposed budget and commit to using all awarded funds for the town hall meetings.
Grant Details

TRP will offer four (4) mini-grants of up to $4,000 each in 2024. These grants are intended for the development and execution of peer-led community town hall meetings in their respective geographic area or region. Recipients must utilize the awarded funds as outlined in their proposals and will receive the grants for a duration of eight (8) months, from Sep. 1, 2024, through April 30, 2025. TRP will also provide some in-kind support to the grant awardees.

Proposal Requirements

All proposals must be submitted in English and include the following:

  • A cover letter with the organization’s name, address, contact person, and contact information (phone number and email address);
  • A project proposal, (maximum three pages) including:
  • Project title and summary
  • Project goals and objectives
  • Prioritized audience
  • Proposed activities and timeline
  • Expected measurable outcomes
  • Budget breakdown of how awarded funds will be used
  • Plans for measuring success
  • A list of previous projects, events, or initiatives related to HIV and AIDS or HIV long-term survivors that the applicant has implemented or participated in.
Submission Process

Proposals should be submitted via email to info@reunionproject.net, the subject line should read “Mini-grant Proposal – [Organization or Individual Name]”. Proposals must be received no later than 5:00 PM EDT on Monday, July 29, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. Applicants may be contacted for additional information or to schedule an interview. If submitting as an individual, you must include a letter of support from a 501c3 organization, and funds will be disbursed to that same organization.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Alignment with TRP’s mission and values
  • Commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Feasibility of the proposed project
  • Clarity and completeness of the proposal
  • Creativity and innovation of proposed activities
  • Justification and accountability of the budget
  • Experience and track record of the applicant in projects related to HIV and AIDS and/or HIV long-term survivors.
Award Notification

Grant awardees will be notified by email and/or phone by Friday, August 30, 2024. The notification will include instructions on how to accept the award and the terms and conditions for accepting the award.


2024 Mini-Grant Opportunity Info-Session

Join TRP staff on Tuesday, June 18, 2024 at 3pm ET for an optional informational webinar to learn more about our exciting mini-grant opportunity, the Peer-Led Town Hall Expansion Project (PLTHEP). During this session we will share our vision and goals for creating peer-led events in your communities, based on TRP’s mission and values. We will also answer any questions you may have regarding the development and submission of your proposal.

About The Reunion Project

The Reunion Project is the alliance of HIV long-term survivors. We convene and connect individuals and communities through sharing our unique stories, disseminating accurate information, and issuing calls-to-action on issues and policies affecting people living with HIV for more than a decade.

The Reunion Project is committed to creating safe, welcoming, and inclusive environments at all our in-person and virtual events. All people living with HIV, their partners, loved ones, allies, and supporters deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. TRP is also committed to language justice in an effort to create shared power, practice inclusion, and dismantle traditional systems of oppression that have traditionally disenfranchised non-English speakers.


This grant application has now closed.


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