We Are the Alliance of HIV Long-Term Survivors
The Reunion Project is the alliance of HIV long-term survivors. We convene and connect individuals and communities through sharing our unique stories, disseminating accurate information, and issuing calls-to-action on issues and policies affecting people living with HIV for more than a decade.

We Connect
The Reunion Project is a network of people living with HIV that connects long-term survivors with each other and our community partners and allies.

We Convene
The Reunion Project convenes safe and inclusive spaces, both in person and virtually, to share our unique experiences of living and aging with HIV, and to share strategies to improve our quality of life.

We Communicate
The Reunion Project communicates accurate information and calls-to-action on issues and policies affecting those living long-term with HIV.

Join the Alliance
Join us for national and regional gatherings, and bi-monthly webinars on a variety of current issues relevant to HIV long-term survivors. Our events will bring you into rich conversations with others, and provide networking opportunities to create lasting connections both in-person and online. Everyone who joins our alliance will be eligible to receive our email newsletter, where you’ll get the latest news from The Reunion Project, be the first to hear about upcoming programs, and learn about opportunities to connect with others.
The Reunion Project Updates

Reflecting on World AIDS Day
This year’s theme for World AIDS Day is "Collective Action: Sustain and Accelerate HIV Progress." It’s a day to remember and honor those we've lost to the AIDS epidemic and reflect on how far we've come in the fight against HIV. Over the past four decades, collective...

The Reunion Project at USCHA in New Orleans
The Reunion Project at USCHA in New Orleans The Reunion Project’s presence was felt everywhere at this year’s United States Conference on AIDS in New Orleans. From our busy booth in the exhibit hall to our workshop on end-of-life led by Mark S. King, and a...

The Reunion Project to host a Denver town hall on Aging with HIV and Long-term Survival
For Immediate Release: August 1, 2024 Contact: Jeff Berry Email: jeff.berry@reunionproject.net Phone: (773) 454-5333 THE REUNION PROJECT TO HOST DENVER TOWN HALL ON AGING WITH HIV AND LONG-TERM SURVIVAL Free Two-Day Summit on August 23-24 to Cover...